Esteban Gil is a Guilford, CT based wedding photographer and educator. Over the years, he has honed his raw creative abilities into a talent that is undeniable. Esteban places importance in capturing emotion first and art second, but consistently succeeds in turning most every moment into artistry. His work is easily recognized by his well thought out framing, out-of-the-box creativity, and even more so his imaginative use of light – be it natural or flash Through the Steel & Flint workshops and corresponding community, Esteban has cultivated an environment that fosters growth through education, group discussions, artistic challenges, unlimited access to guidance and advice, and friendships. As he continually strives to grown in his own abilities and career, he never hesitates to advise, encourage, and help others to grow. It is clear to those that have had the opportunity to meet and learn from him. He chooses to put just as much value into the people he creates for and the people he creates with as he does his own profession – and for that he has become not just a leader in the industry, but a mentor, and – to many – a friend